My Name is Jennifer. I am a stay at home mother in Windsor, Ontario,
Canada. Some of my fondest memories are of watching my mother and auntie
sewing together, making everything you could imagine! They told me
stories of my grandmother the seamstress who could whip them up a dress
for every occasion. One of the many things they taught me was how to sew beautiful doll the same way that they made them for me.
When my Mother, then my Auntie passed on I inherited something that changed my life....My aunties "baby lock" sewing machine. After taking the machine in to get cleaned and see if it needed repairs (it was in fine order I was told) i brought it home and stared at it a bit....cried a bit about how I missed the women in my family...and stared a bit more lol. It didn't take long before I started to sew again just like they taught me. Soon I discovered that i too can create beautiful,
soft, Waldorf style dolls.
After my Aunties passing i began to collect dolls. I became fascinated with some
popular 18 inch brand name dolls. Still love the details of dress, the
stories that come with, and the historical characters they have. Enjoy
how you can go create a doll to look like your child. Still love the
brand and collect the dolls. However, they are expensive and not really
dolls I let my two year old drag around the house. I started looking for
dolls my daughter could really use. I came across Waldorf or Steiner
dolls. After looking at this dolls it hit me immediately...these are the dolls I was taught to make, but my mother and auntie never called them by that name.
Once I began to hand sew my first doll I realized how much love and
thought goes into each stitch and I felt connected to the women in my family again. What a gift this was to me! I noticed how soft and natural the
fabrics were. How sweet and emphatic the little faces. Here was a doll
my child could dress a million different way, hair style, accessorize
but most importantly...cuddle, talk to and keep near as a friend and
Babydoo Mary completed and ready for donation. |
It is my guarantee that every Babydoo doll is a one of a kind. No face,
hair, outfit is ever the same. Most importantly each stitch is
thoughtfully done with love and hope that my efforts will bring joy,
love, imagination and comfort to your little one. Each doll is an opportunity for me to bring joy to others and a chance to remember the women I loved. x - Jennie
Babydoo Hippie, was made for my Avahdoo. |
My Daughters Babydoo, named Hippie Baby. |
Avhdoo's Hippie baby in her dress that matches Avah's |
Babydoo Mary. This was a very special doll to me and the first that I donated. |
Babydoo Mary was donated to our local Parenting and Literacy center at john Campbell Public school. She is loved, played with and cuddled daily! Fulls my heart with joy when Avahdoo and I do to the center and see Babydoo Mary getting loved up. |